10 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn How to Code

As a parent, the thought of coding may seem difficult, foreign, and even daunting at first - though its benefits definitely outweigh any reservations one may have, as the world becomes more technologically advanced and connected. Let’s face it - the world has changed since we were kids. Our children are learning how to use iPads, computers, and even our own phones from a young age to navigate a variety of games, websites, as well as resources for school. Coding - once an activity for computer wizards and the technologically savvy, has become more accessible and learned by even our youngest members of the household, with many coding camps and workshops for kids on the rise each year. Many schools still often lag behind in terms of their computer programming curriculums, if any at all. Getting your child started with coding is an excellent decision that can help build perseverance, grit, logical and creative thinking, and can translate into a career later down the line. Still unsure about if coding is right for your child? Here’s 10 reasons why every child should learn how to code - and how you can get started.

1. Coding is the language of the 21st century

Coding can refer to a variety of computer programming languages - whether that’s Java, Python, HTML, etc. As the world shifts to the use of technology and computers in everyday life, understanding the languages that power these devices is becoming increasingly beneficial - kind of like a new literacy in the digital age. 

2. Coding stimulates creativity among kids

Coding allows children to think creatively, as they build and write their own code to create websites, video games, and other interactive programs. Coding also encourages our kids to think big, stay curious, and helps transform their ideas into a reality. In our Beginner Scratch workshop, our students work on creating a variety of projects, such as an interactive cat, an ocean simulator with a shark and fish, as well as a Pokémon game. 

3. Coding can be done at home

Given the ongoing pandemic around the world, our kids are often at home with school being transitioned to online learning modules. The neat thing about coding is that it can be done almost anywhere with internet access and a computer - and is a great activity to get started on from the comfort of your home. As the team at The C.O.D.E. Initiative continues to adapt to better serve our parents and young friends, we have transitioned to 1-hour, one-on-one virtual sessions over the course of 5 weeks to continue delivering our world-class workshops at a date and time most convenient for you.

4. Coding helps children understand the world around them

Basic coding knowledge can help our children understand the way technology is programmed and used, in addition to changing their overall relationship with the devices they interact with in day-to-day life. For children that identify as neuro-diverse or on the Autism spectrum, coding can be a way to further their logical thinking by helping them make connections between concepts that can be applied to their own routines in the household.

5. Coding builds problem-solving skills in children

As kids go through our coding workshops, they are challenged with various tasks as they work towards creating different projects. Coding helps build problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills, as children solve complex coding problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable tasks. These skills are translatable and valuable both in school and in the workplace setting, as children are better equipped to tackle problems that they may face in life.

6. Coding can help sharpen math skills

Coding helps children strengthen their arithmetic and algebraic skills, being able to apply math to real-world situations in a practical and fun manner. Each of our coding workshops encourages kids to visualize abstract concepts in their one-on-one sessions, making the overall experience enriching and fun.

7. Coding helps improve concentration and focus

Coding requires concentration and focus, something that some kids may find difficult, while others may find it easy. Overall, the structure and curriculum of our coding workshops for kids incentivizes concentration, as children begin to understand that if they execute their code correctly, they will successfully create the intended project for the workshop. 

8. Coding builds resilience and confidence

It goes without saying that bugs and errors are part of the coding process. Children will learn to try, try again, especially if and when things don’t go right the first time. Coding helps children develop soft skills and builds aspects of their character, as they develop traits such as resilience, grit, and patience as they navigate through their coding workshop. As they begin to understand concepts more and more, children learn to overcome failures and in turn are able to build their confidence as they succeed creating various projects.

9. Coding prepares our children for the jobs of tomorrow

With jobs in the technology sector experiencing steady growth from year to year, the demand for candidates with coding experience in 5, 10, 20 years down the line will only grow from here. Getting your child started young with coding workshops, even if they have special learning needs or identify as being on the Autism Spectrum, will help better prepare them with the skills sought by employers around the world and create a foundation for further learning and coding in the future.

10. Coding is fun

Last but not least - coding is fun! Coding is a great activity to take up for your child that will not only help them develop both hard and soft skills, but will teach them practical knowledge that they can apply to other aspects of their life. We offer a variety of fun-packed, interactive workshops that are flexible in scheduling, and engaging from start to finish.

Don’t let the fear of striking out keep your child from playing the game - you can only get better if you decide to start, or continue trying. To learn more about coding, our workshops, or how to register, reach out to us at info@thecodeinitiative.ca or visit our Registration Page to get your child booked in a coding workshop today.


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